Legacy Policies and Expectations
As a cooperative organization, all parents are responsible to enforce co-op rules and expectations. This plays a vital role in ensuring a high standard is maintained for conduct, attitude, and safety at our co-op. Legacy students benefit immensely from the presence and influence of our dedicated parents on-site each week.
Legacy policy requires that a parent or permanent legal guardian remain within Legacy boundaries the entire time his or her child(ren) are at Legacy. Extended family members are not allowed to come in place of a parent except as defined in the Parent Absence Policy below. Parents assume full responsibility for their child(ren) at all times while at Legacy, and will be contacted if disciplinary problems arise. Sitting in a car or dropping off child(ren) is not allowed.
Parent Absence Policy: While parents are required to be on the Crossroads Bible Church (CBC) campus when their children are on campus, we do allow each family up to three parent absences each year when their children can be assigned into the care of another responsible adult for reasons deemed sufficient to the family requesting the exemption. A Parent Absence is defined as any instance in which an adult other than one of the parents or permanent legal guardians listed on the Registration Contract has responsibility for any of the children listed on the Registration Contract for all or part of a day at Legacy, and each instance must be documented as one of the three allowed absences.
Please be aware of the following steps you must follow in order to send your child(ren) to Legacy with a temporary caregiver up to three times per school year. Please ensure that your child(ren) are fully aware of to whom they are accountable in your absence.
- A Parent Off-site Form (download requires Adobe Reader) must be filled out completely and turned in at the Information Desk either in advance or upon arrival at Legacy on the day in question. This form must include the name of the individual who is covering your co-op job; the name, contact information, and signature of the adult who is assuming responsibility for your child(ren); and must be signed by you and by a Board member (see Information Desk).
- It is highly recommended that a completed medical authorization form be signed and given to the adult who is assuming responsibility for your child(ren). A sample Medical Authorization Form may be downloaded from Downloads and Forms.
- If you are sending your child(ren) with an adult who is not part of a current Legacy family, they must register at the Front Desk as a visitor.
Undocumented parent absences, more than three parent absences per school year, and/or failure to provide for the completion of your co-op job during your absence will jeopardize your privilege to participate in this co-op. For this reason, we cannot stress enough the need for discernment in applying this exemption to your family's situation. For ongoing medical situations or other extenuating circumstances, please contact the Legacy Board at info@legacyhc.org.
Ministry Safe Policy: Crossroads Bible Church and Legacy Homeschool Center require all board members, teachers, and the on-site parent to complete the Ministry Safe Training program.
Visitor Policy: Visitors to Legacy are required to sign in at the Front Desk, receive and wear a name tag, and follow all Legacy policies. A visitor is anyone who is not listed on a current Legacy Registration Contract (this includes Running Start students and Legacy Alumni).
Illness: Sick or contagious students and/or family members may not attend Legacy.
Classroom Use: Classroom use is permitted for scheduled Legacy classes and Board approved activities only.
Eating Areas: Families are encouraged to eat together, and each family is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Eating will not be permitted in classrooms unless scheduled by the teacher.
Private Benefit Notice: Due to CBC's property tax-exempt status, the promoting and selling of private goods or services constitutes "private benefit" and is not permitted on the property.
Emergency procedures: In case of a fire, alarms will sound and all children should be evacuated in a quiet and orderly manner along assigned routes through clearly marked exits to safe areas away from the building. Please do not run. All classes must remain together with their teacher and facilitator. A Board member will notify teachers and facilitators when it is safe to re-enter the building. Should we be unable to enter the building again, teachers and facilitators must remain with their classes until parents locate their child(ren). In the event of an earthquake, everyone should immediately get under a table and assume the duck and cover position. It is important that you stay away from any windows and remain in the room until given further instructions. In the event of a non-evacuation emergency, please listen for complete instructions. We will have unannounced emergency drills throughout the year.
Conflict Resolution: Legacy participants are expected to keep communication open and solve areas of conflict by using principles of peacemaking from Matthew 18:15-17, discussing any concerns directly with the parties involved, with gentleness and grace. For unresolved, persistent, or serious issues that involve Legacy, the Board is available to facilitate discussion and may be made aware of specific behaviors which have raised your concern. This should be done in writing and must include your name and contact information. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
Courteous Behavior: All parents and children are to treat other parents, teachers, students, and our host facility/staff with courtesy and respect at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning up after themselves, not talking loudly in areas where classes are in session, and not running in the building. When in the Lunch Room/Student Center, please be courteous of other students or families completing their work. In addition, the following rules apply to building use at CBC:
- No knives, guns, or other weapons (real or play); alcohol; or illegal drugs will be permitted on church premises.
- No balls, bikes, skateboards, scooters, or roller blades are allowed on church premises.
- No pets are allowed on church premises except working service dogs.
Punctuality: Students are expected to come to class on time (5 minutes before class begins, but no more than 10 minutes early) and prepared with completed assignments and all required books and materials.
Electronic Devices: All use of electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, games, and phones will not be permitted in classrooms unless authorized by the teacher for class purposes. Failure to comply with this policy could result in the confiscation of devices until the end of the class period. Please silence cell phones during class.
Conduct and Dress Codes: In order to maintain a God-honoring academic environment, all teachers, parents, and children are expected to adhere to Legacy's conduct and dress codes while on campus or participating in Legacy events.
Conduct Code
Parents are responsible for their child(ren) at all times.
- Inappropriate physical affection and/or aggression are not acceptable.
- Foul language and/or bullying are not acceptable.
Consequences for the above will be determined on an individual basis.
Designated Legacy Boundaries: All parents and child(ren) are required to remain within Legacy boundaries at all times. DO NOT use areas of the church that CBC has not invited Legacy to use. Offices, empty classrooms, and areas of the building beyond the separating fire doors, including the Welcome Center and Worship Center, are off limits, unless otherwise designated. No loitering in the restrooms. The parking lot is off limits except to return or retrieve items to or from the car.
- Child location while not in class, in the Lunch Room/Student Center, traveling to or from class, or during lunchtime:
- Age 12 and under must be with a parent or responsible adult.
- Age 13 and up may be stationary in the Main Hallways or with a parent or responsible adult.
- Bathroom trips are allowed; no detours or groups of three or more.
Consequences for boundary/location violations are applicable to all parents and children. Verbal warnings will be given for the first offense. Consequences for subsequent offenses will be determined at the discretion of the Legacy Board, and may include the constant parental supervision of the child, the immediate loss of one Parent Off-Site Absence (for parental infractions), being required to immediately leave the Legacy campus for the remainder of the day, or jeopardizing the family's continued participation in Legacy.
Dress Code
The purpose of our dress code is to encourage modest and appropriate dress and promote a positive learning environment. The dress code applies to students, teachers, parents, and children aged 5 and up.
Clothing should be modest whether sitting, standing, or in motion as defined below (including physical education classes). Please see diagram for clarification of which regions of the body must be covered.

- Midriffs, cleavage, and undergarments must always be covered.
- All shirts and dresses must cover the torso - front, back, and sides (no visible undergarment or camisole straps).
- Any clothing you can see through is acceptable if clothing underneath adheres to dress code.
- Clothing must not be skintight.
- Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
- Leggings and yoga pants may be worn with dresses, skirts, and long shirts.
- Shoes are required both inside and outside the building unless otherwise instructed by teacher.
- Any logos/slogans/messages on clothing or other items brought onto campus must align with the Legacy Statement of Faith and must not contain profanity, violence, drugs, alcohol, vulgarity, or social/political agendas.
- Students and adults must conduct themselves and dress in a way consistent with their biological sex determined at conception and recognized at birth.
Verbal warnings will be given, parents will be notified, and students will be asked to change into their own alternative clothing or clothing provided by Legacy.
Each family will be required to fulfill assigned job(s) and be available to provide additional assistance as needed. Families that are enrolled in classes for 1-2 class periods will be assigned one job. Families that are enrolled in classes for 3-5 class periods will be assigned two jobs. Jobs that are assigned include janitorial, setup, cleanup/restoration, monitoring, and facilitating. Although we strive to assign jobs in keeping with your schedule and other requests, all jobs will be assigned based on the needs of Legacy. Please understand that your particular job(s) may require you to be at Legacy up to 30 minutes before or after your student's class(es). This means that if you are assigned a setup or cleanup/restoration job at the beginning or end of the day, your responsibilities may extend beyond the beginning or end of class time.
If you are unable to fulfill an assigned job due to an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement so that your job will be completed. If you drop a class and will no longer be at Legacy for the hour that your job is scheduled, you are required to fulfill your job until a replacement is found, or you are given a new job. You will be contacted concerning your job(s) prior to the start of classes in the fall.
Legacy Homeschool Center is not a school and does not maintain student transcripts. It is the parents' responsibility to maintain transcripts for their own child(ren).
Legacy Teachers: Each teacher must ascribe to our Statement of Faith and Mission Statement and submit to a Washington State Patrol Criminal History Background Check. While Legacy does its best to screen teachers for qualifications, we recognize that teaching style and personality vary among teachers and we do not guarantee satisfaction with any particular teacher or class. Parents are encouraged to discuss concerns with the teacher before contacting the Board. For unresolved complaints based on personality or style, please withdraw quietly from the class without spreading dissension among other co-op families. For unresolved issues which are more serious in nature, please inform the Board of specific behaviors which have raised your concern, keeping in mind the need for discretion when discussing issues with others at Legacy.
Canceled classes: Classes may be canceled at any time at the Board's discretion. If class is canceled due to teacher's absence, children may be sent to the Lunch Room/Student Center. In the event of class cancellation/teacher absence, reasonable effort will be made to notify parents prior to class time. Teachers work many hours outside the classroom; therefore, if class(es) are canceled, tuition will not be refunded.
Class Enrollment: Only students enrolled in the class are eligible to participate in class; attending without paying tuition is not permitted. Students must obtain approval to register for classes outside their grade/age range (see Exception form at Downloads and Forms). Parents are welcome and highly encouraged to sit in their child(ren)'s class; however, parents are not eligible to enroll in classes. Parents who wish to sit in their student's class are encouraged to make alternative arrangements for their other child(ren) not enrolled in the class.
Class Observation: A class being considered for future enrollment may be observed one time with prior teacher approval. This teacher approval must be received before class begins to minimize class interruptions. A student may not observe class without their parent also present in the class. The student is to observe the class, not participate. All observers to a class are expected to quietly sit in the back or off to the side of the class. The teacher and/or facilitator will ask any disruptive observers to leave the class.
Class Visitors: Guests to Legacy (those not considering future enrollment, such as out of town relatives) may visit a class with prior teacher approval. Visitors younger than 13 must be accompanied by an adult. It is up to the teacher to decide whether the visitor may participate in any class activities. Each teacher has the authority to allow or deny class visitors/observers at their discretion.
Nursery: Childcare is available for children (age two and under as of September 1) of teachers only, and only during the hour(s) they are teaching class. A one-time supply fee is due on the first day of Legacy in September. Please notify the Board if you will be using this service, and for which hour(s).
Wait Lists: We cannot guarantee you will get the class(es) you request; however, Processing will maintain a wait list for each full class. You may not be confirmed in a class and remain on the wait list for a different class during the same hour. During spring registration students' names will be randomly selected to fill classes and wait lists. Legacy reserves the right to prioritize enrollment of upperclassmen.
Non-Refundable: Registration fees, materials fees, tuition are non-refundable. Legacy charges tuition at registration and then six other times during the year. The payment dates are recorded in our calendar.
School district funds may not be used to pay for tuition, materials fees, and/or registration, or for the reimbursement thereof.
Invoices will be emailed prior to the tuition payment due date. Please make any adds/drops to your classes before invoices are sent. Once payments are due, they become non-refundable.
Payment Due Date/Time: Payment must be made before 2:00 pm on the tuition payment due dates indicated on the Legacy Calendar. See Late Payments below for more information.
Advance Payment: Tuition may be paid in advance. If prepaid classes are later dropped, a processing fee of 3% will be deducted from any credit for tuition paid in advance.
Payment Methods: All in-person payments should be given to the Processing Center. Please do not give checks or cash directly to teachers. All checks should be made payable to Legacy Homeschool Center. Payment for registration fee, class tuition, and materials fees may be combined in one payment. Cash payments must be given directly to a processor. Online tuition payment via Intuit QuickBooks is available. Family invoice emails will include a "Pay Now" link for online payment via ACH (bank transfer) without incurring additional charges.
Late Payments will incur a late fee of $20 per family per week for the first two occurrences each academic year, increasing to $40 per week for three or more occurrences in one academic year (September – June). Please email the Processing Center at processing@legacyhc.org in case of unplanned absences or special circumstances on tuition due dates. In the event of absence on tuition payment day, tuition may be paid online or mailed to Legacy Homeschool Center, P.O. Box 52871, Bellevue, WA 98015. Mailed payments must be received at least 2 days prior to tuition due date.
NSF Fees: Insufficient Funds checks will incur late fees in addition to any NSF Fee charged to Legacy by the bank. If more than one check is returned per academic year, Legacy will require cash or cashier's checks for any future payments in the current academic year. Returned ACH payments will incur late fees in addition to any Chargeback Fee assessed by Intuit.
Processing Fees: A three percent (3%) processing fee has been built into tuition prices to offset processing costs.
Collections Policy: In the event an invoice or account balance is not paid when due, Legacy will send a courtesy reminder text on the due date. After 2pm on the due date, invoices will be assessed a late fee and will be sent via email with a payment link. If the invoice remains unpaid, an additional late fee will be assessed each week after 2pm ($20, $20, $40, etc.). After five weeks of non-payment, the Legacy board will discuss dropping the family’s registration from Legacy. At any time, you may contact Legacy at info@legacyhc.org to discuss potential arrangements for special circumstances.
Dropping Classes: Please register your child(ren) for classes with the intention of participating from September to June. While situations occasionally make it necessary to drop a class mid-year, please keep in mind that this may have a negative impact on the teacher and the other students in the class. Also, please remember dropping classes can be costly as payments are non-refundable (see Non-Refundable above). If you choose to drop any classes, you may do so on the Legacy Enrollment System online or you may request assistance from the Processing department at processing@legacyhc.org. Your child is not permitted to attend the dropped class after the drop paperwork is processed. If you are withdrawing from Legacy entirely, please notify Legacy by emailing info@legacyhc.org.
Bulletin: The Legacy Bulletin will be sent out via email by Thursday each week Legacy is in session. Please read it completely for important updates and notification of upcoming events. If you are a current Legacy family and you are NOT receiving the bulletin, please inform the Board at info@legacyhc.org. The Legacy Bulletin will also be posted at the Information Desk near the mailboxes; please check this area and the whiteboard weekly for announcements.
Family Mailbox Folders: Family Mailbox Folders are located in the Main Hallway as a convenience for co-op participants to communicate co-op related information and to distribute approved literature. Mailboxes are not to be used for solicitation. Please check with the Board before distribution of material via the mailboxes. Legacy Homeschool Center is not responsible for the loss of any property distributed through or left in mailboxes. Family schedules must be filled out with current cell numbers and parent/child locations for each hour and remain in Family Mailbox Folders to assist in locating parents/students as needed.
Facebook: The Legacy Facebook page (www.facebook.com/legacyhc) will post information about important dates and upcoming events. Like us on Facebook to receive up to date notifications. Current Legacy families may also join the Legacy HC Bulletin Board Facebook Group by emailing info@legacyhc.org with the email address associated with their Facebook account and requesting to be added. This group is a place to share information about homeschooling education and enrichment opportunities and sell/exchange textbooks and curriculum.
Bulletin Board Policy/Disclaimer: A bulletin board in the Main Hallway is available for notification and communication of homeschool information among co-op participants. Items included on the bulletin board do not necessarily constitute Legacy Board endorsement or promotion. As a nonprofit organization, we are prohibited by law from the “carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation,” neither shall we “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.”
Winter Weather Closure Policy: In case of inclement weather, check the Legacy web site at www.legacyhc.org for closure information. A mass text alert will be sent to all registered Legacy families in case of closure. Please note, Legacy will follow the Bellevue School District for inclement weather closures.
Emergency Contact: We are independent of the church’s operation and ask that you do not call CBC regarding Legacy matters. Please address all inquiries to Board members via email to info@legacyhc.org.