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New and Prior Family Information


The next available New and Prior Family Information Meeting,

for those considering Legacy for the 2025-2026 academic year,

will be held at CBC:

Friday, March 28th at 11:30 AM

New families are defined as having never been enrolled at Legacy.

Prior Families are defined as not currently enrolled at Legacy, as of February 1, 2025.

As a new or prior family, you must attend a mandatory Information Meeting prior to registration.



Before you register, please be aware that all parents at Legacy must agree to the following:


  • Jobs are assigned during late summer for those that register during Spring Registration OR upon registration if later during the year. Job placement is based on information provided on the jobs form.
  • Fulfill assigned job(s) and be available to provide additional assistance as needed
  • Remain within Legacy boundaries the entire time your children are at Legacy
  • Adhere to Legacy policies and expectations, and enforce them with your children
  • Pay tuition for classes on or before the Tuition Due date

For more information about these requirements and other Legacy policies, please carefully read Legacy Policies.



Legacy New and Prior Family Information Meetings are held at Crossroads Bible Church. Attendance at an Information Meeting is mandatory for all New and Prior Families considering registering at Legacy. Please notify us by emailing to sign up to attend a meeting. Thanks for considering Legacy Homeschool Center to supplement your homeschool journey. We look forward to meeting you!


Information Meetings for those considering registering for the 2025-2026 academic year will be held on the following dates:



  1. Please carefully review LEGACY POLICIES AND EXPECTATIONS.
  2. Determine whether your children are being homeschooled according to the Home-Based Instruction law, RCW 28A.200.010. For more information, please visit the WHO web site at
  3. Complete and sign the Registration Contract, Legacy Payment Policies, and a Whistleblower Acknowledgment Form by contacting to receive the forms in email to be signed via DocuSign. The contract, which must be filled out completely, includes an agreement to abide by Legacy policies which must be signed by the parent/legal guardian and by any students aged 12 and up.
  4. After the New and Prior Family Information meeting, you will be invited to enroll in Legacy. Information will be given to you at that time regarding how to proceed in selecting your classes. You may contact to receive enrollment instructions or if you have any questions.
  5. Payment for eight weeks tuition and materials fees is due at the time of registration or upon receipt of an electronic invoice:
    1. You may provide a check, payable to Legacy, for materials fees (non-refundable) and tuition fees, for the requested classes, as calculated during your enrollment. You may alternately provide payment online upon receipt of an invoice via email. Payment must be received within 7 days (by mail or electronically).
    2. If you have any questions about the payment amount, please email


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