Complete printable 2025-2026 Class Schedule
Complete printable 2025-2026 Course Catalog
To view a list of classes by grade, please select grade
Classes below are listed by Grade Range within each hour.
Please note that some classes may require teacher permission to join. To request an Out of Grade Range Exception, fill out the form that can be found in the registration system or click here.
Updated: 3/8/2025
8:30- 9:00 |
9:00-10:00 | 10:10-11:10 | 11:20-12:20 | 12:20- 12:50 |
1:00-2:00 | 2:10-3:10 | 3:10- 3:40 |
Lay K-2 |
Lay PS-K |
Kahler, A PS-1 |
Math and Language Arts Games 1 Wong K-2 |
McEntire 1-5 |
Dennis 2-4 |
Tungsvik K-2 |
Rogers K-5 |
Dennis 2-4 |
Van Winkle 3-5 |
Multiplication--"Right Brain" Style Farrington 3-7 |
Kahler, A 2-4 |
Kahler, S 1-3 |
Douglass 3-6 |
The Fundamentals of Soccer and Basketball Marshall 4-6 |
Biblical Science: Beyond Day 6 Kahler, S 4-6 |
Rogers 2-12 |
Acrylic and Water Color Painting - E1 Chau 3-5 |
Han 3-8 |
Dennis 4-6 |
McEntire 6-9 |
Adler 3-5 |
Ripley 3-5 |
Adler 5-7 |
Adler 6-8 |
Bible Memory: Colossians & Romans 8 Postma 6-12 |
Han 4-8 |
McEntire 3-5 |
Morin 5-6 |
Acrylic and Water Color Painting - M1 Chau 6-12 |
Rogers 6-12 |
Ripley 5-6 |
Douglass 4-8 |
Van Winkle 6-8 |
Douglass 7-12 |
Java Object Oriented Programming and Data Structure Pramono 8-12 |
Kahler, S 6-8 |
Exploring Electricity & Magnetism Morin 6-8 |
Lewis & Clark Expedition and Survival Skills McEntire 6-9 |
Ripley 9-12 |
Adler 9-12 |
Bakker 6-12 |
Dennis 6-10 |
Volleyball, Basketball, and More Nickols 6-12 |
Morin 7-10 |
Introduction to Apparel Sewing Bakker 6-12 |
Ripley 7-9 |
Luraghi 7-12 |
Adler 8-12 |
Colino 7-12 |
McEntire 8-12 |
Apologetics: Reason to Believe Brannen 9-12 |
Kahler, S 8-12 |
Dennis 9-12 |
Luraghi 9-12 |